BLUECITY initiatives include

Entrepreneurial Development 

BlueCity program is creating a startup incubator in South Africa with over 100 incubators focused on addressing the city's needs while supporting local entrepreneurs in the creation of new markets.


Enhance Governance and Performance Management 

Working with public/private sector teams, trained thousands of municipal employees to continuously create and execute blue ocean strategies. 



Established a micro private-public partnership financing program that helped establish over 30,000 small businesses.

[East Asia]


Police Reform

Working with teams of police officers and civil servants to develop new strategies to better serve the public at a lower cost. 

[Southeast Asia]

Tourism - Infrastructure Development

BlueCity workshop with Ministry of Tourism leaders and tourism executives to generate a new regional/global city destination. 

[Middle East]

Industrial Port/Tourism Development

Working with a French port, developed a BlueCity program to fuel its 5-year strategic plan to become a port of the future in maritime transportation flows, housing services and seaside tourism.



Public/Private Partnerships

Created a new public/private strategy to optimize financing opportunities and improve feasibility of municipal projects.

[North America] 

Tourism - City Destination

Developed a tourism strategy that dramatically raised tourism stop-over rates in regional hub city.

[Southeast Asia]


Maximize Revenue

Working with a global city developed a program that increased revenue from taxes, fees, and fines, as well as improving monetization of assets and resources. 

[North America]

Regional Municipal Cooperation on Climate Change

Designed and implemented a regional climate plan across East and Southeast Asian global cities to develop best practices. 

[East and Southeast Asia]



Corporate business strategy

Local / national public strategy

Ecosystem partnering strategy

Transformation strategy

Strategy for Entrepreneurs