Global Challenges
The speed and scale of urbanization brings challenges, including meeting accelerated demand for affordable housing, well-connected transport systems, and other infrastructure, basic services, as well as jobs, particularly for the nearly 1 billion urban poor who live in informal settlements to be near opportunities.
Today cities face seemingly insurmountable challenges…..
Unfunded Mandates
Increasingly national governments impose new regulations and laws on cities and local governments to manage, yet provide no funding to do so.
Environmental Threats
Rapid urbanization, which strains basic infrastructure, coupled with more frequent and extreme weather events linked to global climate change is exacerbating the impact of environmental threats.
Cities need resources such as water, food and energy to be viable. Urban sprawl reduces available water catchment areas, agricultural lands and increases demand for energy.
When it comes to both the provision of basic resources and resilience against environmental threats, the forecast is uneven for different groups of urban inhabitants.
There is a global marketplace whereby cities compete to attract new businesses, human capital and new technologies to spark new growth, new talent and new sources of revenue.
Besides its impact on public health, the COVID-19 pandemic has generated multifaceted economic challenges for urban citizens and government alike.
Based on Blue Ocean Strategy our approach addresses these challenges by:
Breaking the value/cost trade-off with a leap in citizen utility while driving down costs
Identifying the factors that should be eliminated, reduced, raised, or created
Focusing on factors of disproportionate influence
Building trust and commitment by practicing Fair Process
Builds new operational, financial and execution capabilities
Dramatically raises value for city employees and citizens alike
Leverages existing city infrastructure
Builds resilience into the city's longterm strategy
Identifies unarticulated needs
Pain-points overlooked pain points
Where the city has over-served elements to be eliminated to reduce costs
How to reconstruct the city's new high growth/low-cost value proposition
International collaboration
Between cities, regions, countries over the world
Open innovation
People + City + Corporates + Startups + Students join the same team from the beginning of the process
Opportunities of value creation come from the hidden needs of people currently excluded from public services
Blue Ocean Strategy
For local & national development